
Privacy Policy

Your Data Privacy is Our Responsibility:

At InfoCleanse, we ensure the data remains protected. Our privacy policies are a public declaration written down to inform its site visitors and clients about the preventive measures we adopt and practice to handle your personal data with the utmost care. Therefore, all the terms used, such as ‘us, our, and we’ are referred to us as an organization InfoCleanse.

Our privacy policies are subjected to necessary alterations if required at any point in time. Therefore, users are requested to refer to our privacy policy section from time to time to know any updated norms with the latest amendments. By visiting our website, you shall agree to the terms of the privacy policy by clicking “Yes.” Any alterations in the policies will immediately reflect in the section soon after its publication.

The Source and Type of Data We Secure:

We firmly believe in maintaining the quality of services at all times. We ensure no data reflects any generic details about users. We request our site visitors to fill a form where necessary information like full name, gender, postal address, phone number, and email address is mentioned. This form is in purpose to know if any visitor is interested in our services. The details remain private to us.

Our database is curated from reliable and credible sources that are listed below:

  • Government Records
  • B2B Directories
  • Transactional Data
  • Sign-up Data from Email Campaigns
  • Annual Reports, SEC Filings
  • Public Record Information
  • Newspaper Subscription Offers
  • Community Postings
  • Phone Surveys
  • Website Registrations and Offers
  • Business Magazine Subscription Offers
  • Business Tradeshow Attendee Lists

What Information Can We Extract from Our Website?

Information Given By Visitors And Users: At InfoCleanse, we require data to improve our services for our clients. Using the voluntarily provided information by the visitors via sign-up of newsletters, form-filling, downloading data, etc. we can approach and serve our clients through email communication. We respond to client queries and send marketing offers to them through emails.

You can skip filling the details in our forms. However, this might result in no offers on the latest products and services.

The Information Automatically Obtained: At times, many website visitors do not permit you to share their details. However, InfoCleanse still secures some of the impersonal information of the visitors, such as:

  • URL Referral Information
  • Clickstream Data
  • IP Address
  • The Variant of Operating System
  • Browser Used
  • The Access Page
  • Clicks registered from the user
  • Duration of Item Viewed By use


By the usage of cookies, InfoCleanse is able to track the site usage and retarget/ follow-up with the users with relevant information. Cookies are small text files that ask for your permission every time you visit our website. The purpose of cookies is to automatically save users sign-in credentials to give them a personalized browsing experience. The site visitors either have to accept or refuse all or some cookies (as per their convenience).

Note: We work with third-party vendors who may have the cookie policy with a different tracking policy.

Also, note that we work with third-party vendors who may have their Cookie Policy with a different tracking policy and expiry date. Such policies are not covered under our terms of the policy. Hence, we suggest users refer to the provisions of the third party before accepting or denying their cookies.

Data Usage Policy:

InfoCleanse uses all the information which is mainly collected for B2B communications and occasionally for updating the new details, notifications, and validation of sales transactions. We ensure not to share any of these details with the third-party who wishes to advertise their business offerings to you. Please remember that once you provide the information to InfoCleanse, it may be used by its staff and partners to provide you high-quality services in the future.

If, at any point in time, you wish to no longer receive any communication by InfoCleanse, you can simply click on the unsubscription button at the end of every email. This will give us a notification to remove your details from our stored database. Therefore, preventing future communication from our end. Please note that you may unknowingly provide your details to third-party sites by visiting an external link from our website. It is not necessary that you fill in more information. It can even trace details without any asked ones. In such a scenario, InfoCleanse will not be liable for any future disputes or cases of damage that users are subjected to by visiting an external site.

Thereby, we request you not to disclose sensitive information such as account details and passwords on our website. Under no circumstances, you shall let loose your data security as it is entirely your responsibility.

Privacy And Security:

At InfoCleanse, we use your personal information to provide a seamless experience of customized promotions such as email alerts, newsletters, promotional emails, and product information. At the same time, maintaining and securing the privacy of your data is a top priority objective for us. Thereby, we adopt every preventive measure to keep your details confidential.

In certain situations, we may share your information with a third party only when we analyze your preferences and believe that certain products and services can be relevant to your interests.

The user data collected is usually used to build a demographic profile of visitors, subscribers, and prospects. InfoCleanse does not leverage customer information obtained via tracking results and messages opened, click-through, messages read, or e-commerce communication with any third party in any form other than the terms listed in the policy.

Therefore, we treat our customer data as the property of respective individuals with utmost care. Using the art of firewalls and high-security measures, we aim to commit to our responsibilities towards safeguarding the site visitors and clients’ information from any loss, misuse, or any unauthorized modification by any external or internal components.

Sharing and Disclosure of Information:

We at InfoCleanse, have high values for the privacy of information filled by users. Henceforth, we do not appreciate the sharing of that collected personal information from our website in any form than disclosed in the policies.

The user’s information shall only be revealed to the third party in a scenario, where

  1. InfoCleanse is confident about the benefits of their product and services may deliver to its customers.

  2. The recipients authorize to receive such business communications,

  • Disclosure of information to law enforcement and judicial authority is mandatory.

However, the user/client is the potential of unsubscribing anytime in order to stop receiving promotional material emails.

Un-Subscription Policy:

At InfoCleanse, we don’t believe in forcing ourselves onto our clients. They can choose to opt-out from receiving any further communication from our end or may even refuse to share personal data if they find it threatening to their privacy and security. We at InfoCleanse, believe in obliging our client’s decision and assist them in unsubscribing. As one professional company, we attempt to abide by the rules of the industry.

Please note that although the user may unsubscribe, their information may not be deleted all at once. Some data may be left in our database due to backups and multiple deletions.

Updation of Personal Information:

In case you wish to update any existing personal information or unsubscribe from future emails, please reach us through emails or connect via call. We will get back to you at the earliest.

Changes of Privacy Policy:

InfoCleanse has the potential to revise privacy policies without any prior notice. Users are requested to keep a check of any amendments made to the policies from time to time by visiting our privacy policy page on our website or when you receive a notification about any modification. Also, by using our website or services, you must agree to privacy policy conditions without any limitations.


We at InfoCleanse ensure not to do any business with minors (under 18 years of individuals). If you are a minor, you are advised to use our website in the presence of a parent or guardian.


As it’s our responsibility, we take client’s privacy seriously. Our company complies with various privacy laws and CCPA to secure the client’s data. InfoCleanse has effectively adopted CCPA from 2020 onwards.

Moreover, we also comply with GDPR to safeguard the information of our clients.


InfoCleanse is not responsible for any information submitted by users to external links found on our website. You may access these sites and link them at your own risk.

Information Usage Policy:

All the information collected by us is used for business objectives like trading transactions. Occasionally, it may be used to notify users about any modifications on the website, industry news, services launch, or promotional activities such as special offers or festival offers on products and services that meet the customer requirements.

This implies that InfoCleanse, its partners, and staff may also use that stored customer information along with any other details obtained from any other sources to fulfill our commitment to deliver quality services. However, your information will not be disclosed from our end to any third person who wishes to offer any products and services.

If in case, you don’t want to receive any marketing emails from us, we will ensure that you are heard. You may opt-out or update your preferences by sending us an email regarding it.

Please note that any external website that you visit through our site may collect the necessary information that personally identifies you. This scenario is not covered in our privacy policies as the information is sourced to the third party website through you.

We recommend you maintain the privacy of your personal information such as passwords and account details.

Any personal information posted online by you may impact and invite unsolicited interests from other parties. While we ensure to take the best interest in securing your privacy, InfoCleanse does not guarantee the security of any details that you may have transmitted from us, and you may solely be responsible for such cases.

Note: InfoCleanse had laid its privacy foundation in 2017 and has time and again updated it for the safety of its clients as well as site visitors. The last amendment in the privacy policy took place in 2020.
