Small businesses fuel the US economy as they employ nearly half of the American workforce, i.e., around 61.6M. The fact that small businesses represent 45.3% of the USA’s GDP corroborates this. Though they harbor inherent employment potential and have become the drivers of economic growth, making a small business a…
As the AI buzz sweeps across the globe, the B2B sales sector cannot remain alienated from this technological advancement. A leading indicator of the fact that AI (Artificial intelligence) has made inroads into B2B sales is Salesforce’s research insights. It states that organizations excelling in sales are 1.9 times more…
C-suite are the decision-makers who often have a final sign-off on an enterprise’s product purchases as they are the bureaucrats envisioning an organization’s road map to success. A strategy to cut through the red tape and target specifically the C-suite is imperative for businesses to shorten the sales cycle and…
Organizations or businesses wish to retain their employees for longer periods of time to witness profitable outcomes. Long-term employees require less training and attention. Moreover, their continuous affiliation with the organization would lead to loyalty and commitment and benefit the organization’s overall growth and development. Perhaps for this reason, more…
B2B sales lead generation is a highly challenging task, and for marketers seeking an easy way out, witnessing positive outcomes will be an unrealized dream. The fact that 37.1% of marketers find generating high-quality leads a daunting task makes it a problem at hand for B2B businesses to be addressed immediately. It…