

Top 12 Bigdata Companies In The USA - InfoCleanse

Top 12 Big Data Companies in the USA!

Big data controls the way of the world. In the modern world, business operations throughout the globe are overlooked through the use of analytics and data. From employee and customer retention to targeted sales campaigns – the success of all of it depends upon the analytics and the data utilized…

Top 13 Business Analytics Tools - Infocleanse

Top 13 Business Analytics Tools You Can Start Using Today

Data Analysis helps businesses transform raw data into useful insight that can be used to create goals or further existing goals. Data Analytics tools are a sophisticated and more technologically inclined form of extracting this information to implement business decisions. Over 59% of the businesses in the world use big…

How Data Quality Builds Data Integrity - InfoCleanse

Know: How Data Quality Builds Data Integrity

In the world that we are living in today, data is everything. From the smallest enterprises/businesses to the largest ones, data has something for everyone. When it comes to data, two parameters become important: quality and integrity. There are many ways in which data quality directly influences data integrity by…

Data Quality Management Best Practices - InfoCleanse

Data Quality Management: Best Practices You Should Follow

There’s no denying that data quality is of paramount importance. A study by McKinsey established that organizations utilizing high-quality data are likely to make 19 times more profit than the organizations that aren’t data-driven. Now, that’s a statistic you cannot ignore. If your goal is to stay on top of…
