

Case Study

Credit Union Data Management Company Achieved 90% Data Accuracy

Home » Case Studies » Credit Union Data Management Company Achieved 90% Data Accuracy

Client Background

The client is a major credit union data management firm with offices across the state of Louisiana with headquarters in Baton Rouge, the capital city. Established over 12 years ago, the firm has a bustling data reservoir with over 70,000 records. To assist credit unions in streamlining their operations, they provide marketing performance solutions, member experience solutions, and efficiency solutions.


The company struggled with verifying and appending the existing database. The database was swarming with several obsolete records that needed to be eliminated. Additionally, the database required new data to expand clientele.
The firm contacted InfoCleanse to verify and append its existing database of 70k records. Their ability to produce precise leads was impeded by the duplicate records and the inaccuracy in data.
The team was finding it challenging to do it themselves manually. Further, the firm needed to eliminate duplicates to assess leads and properly provide appropriate solutions to consumers.


InfoCleanse stepped in with their data verification and data appending solutions to provide the following solutions:
  • InfoCleanse cleared their databases of all duplicates.
  • The existing 70,000 records were thoroughly verified and cleansed.
  • Infocleanse enhanced the records to 100,000 by appending the new data based on client requirements.
These solutions were the basic steps in ensuring a well-appended, accurate B2B database that aided in the company’s growth.


The data verification and appending showed impressive numbers beyond the usual single-digit percentages.
  • The client received a lot of reliable consumer data.
  • The total accuracy of the data obtained was a stunning 90%.
  • The client’s response rates grew to a whopping 55%.
  • The team saved time and resources that they would have otherwise spent on research, rectifications of errors, and manual verification.
  • The client was able to generate six times the average number of leads.

to witness a growth curve with an upwards trajectory!
