

Case Study

InfoCleanse HR Mailing
List Resulted in a
300% Revenue Spike
for a Recruiting Agency

Home » Case Studies » InfoCleanse HR Mailing List Resulted in a 300% Revenue Spike for a Recruiting Agency
“With InfoCleanse, our firm has seen a tenfold rise in top-technology clients signing retainers with us, which would not have been practical without the InfoCleasne HR Database. Furthermore, InfoCleanse assisted us in positioning our agency as a tech thought leader.”
– Creative Head
(Creative Branding & Recruiting Agency)

Client Background

The client is a marketing agency specializing in talent recruitment, recruitment branding, social recruiting, employer branding, new media campaigns, and video recruitment. The agency played a major role in assisting top companies in the e-commerce space in recruiting better candidates for key roles. Headquartered in Atlanta, USA, the agency’s clientele included many well-known brands from various industries, including technology, e-commerce, marketing, advertising, retail, construction, and more.


The client had previously achieved success in the e-commerce industry. But, they could not replicate their success in the technology space. The client wanted to position themselves as talent recruiting leaders in the technology space. So they ran a campaign using their in-house database targeting HR decision-makers in the North American states of California, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Washington.
Unfortunately, the campaign noticed a 75% bounce rate and an abysmal 3% open email rate because of inaccuracy and unverified data.


The challenge for us was acquiring all HR decision-makers contact information in the North American states to re-launch their marketing campaign. We understood the client wanted us to cover HR decision-makers from California, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Washington, so we expanded our coverage to include HR managers, HR vice presidents, and HR directors from those states. We quickly provided the client with an all-inclusive solution, as it was not difficult for us to locate the data on US-based HR Decision Makers from our repository.
From our database of more than 700k HR professionals, we extracted data on HR decision-makers in California, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, and Washington. We employed a six-stage verification approach to evaluate and update every record in the database. We curated the HR database to the client’s specifications, focusing only on HR managers, vice presidents, and directors. Finally, within three business days, InfoCleanse compiled a customized HR database in an Excel spreadsheet as per the requirement.


The client successfully leveraged InfoCleanse HR database to update and validate their HR database, and gain a reliable source of contact records that led to a strong foundation for their marketing campaign.
Here are some of the notable changes that surprised the client when they used our HR Database:
  • The client witnessed an astounding 34% email open rate with the updated database
  • The email delivery rate shot up to 95%, and the bounce rate was as low as 2%
  • A revenue generation of 300% was previously unheard of
  • 7x times more brand awareness in the technology space
  • The agency signed all of the major technology clients they had been chasing for many years.

to witness a growth curve with an upwards trajectory!
